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Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: Employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment, or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Vice President of Employee Services, will be the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer. The Vice President of Employee Services will coordinate the Companys efforts and will investigate any complaints. (St. Louis, Missouri Telephone: 314.733.2000). If advertising is utilized, the Company will place employment advertisements in newspapers, which serve the largest number of minorities and females in the recruiting area. All advertisements shall include a non-discrimination notice. The Company will utilize State Employment Security offices, and other sources of minority, female, disabled and veteran employees for recruiting. We shall post notices of non-discrimination in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. To assure non-discriminatory hiring, the Company will: Instruct employees who make hiring decisions that minority, disabled, veteran and female applicants for all employment positions are to be considered without discrimination. Advise unions with whom the Company has collective bargaining agreements, by letter, of our non-discriminatory policy regarding minorities including disabled, veterans and females. Use as many apprentices and summer and part-time trainees, particularly from the minority group or females, as work needs and union agreements, if any permit. D. Post notices in places that are conspicuous to employees and applicant. 6. The Company will make maximum use of apprenticeship and other training to help equalize opportunity for minority persons and females, taking appropriate steps such as: Sponsoring and assisting minority youths and females, as well as others, to enter pre-apprentice and apprentice training and making such training available to the maximum extent within the Company. Actively encouraging minority and female employees, as well as others, to increase their skills and employment potential through participation in training and education programs and helping to assure such programs are adequate and are in fact, available to minority and female employees Maintaining systematic contact with minority and human relations organization by the Company management personnel serving or having served on Urban League and Construction Manpower Committees. Actively serving on Joint Labor-Management Committees established by the Associated General of St. Louis (AGC) for apprentice training and equal employment opportunity. Participating with other AGC members in career programs and discussions with guidance counselors. 7. The Company will assure non-discriminatory placement and promotion, taking appropriate steps such as: Instructing employees who make decisions on placement and promotion that minority and female employees are to be considered without discrimination. Reviewing areas in which there is little or no minority or female representation to determine whether this results from discrimination. 8. The Company will assure non-discriminatory compensation and working conditions in our organization, taking appropriate steps such as: Examining rates of pay and fringe benefits for present employees with equivalent duties and adjusting any inequities found. Not reducing the compensation of existing employees who have converted to on-the-job trainee status. 9. The Company will assure non-discriminatory demotion, layoff or termination by requiring advance clearance of such actions through the Companys Equal Employment Opportunity Officer. 10. The Company will encourage non-discriminatory subcontracting for our organization, taking such steps as: Encouraging minority and female owned subcontractors and subcontractors with minority or female representation among their employees, to bid for subcontracting work. 11. The Company will not maintain or provide employees any segregated facilities at any Company establishments, and will not permit employees to perform their services at any location, under the Company control, where segregated facilities are maintained. 12. We shall follow through with the intent of this Policy by questioning, verifying and making whatever changes or additions to the Company program, which may be necessary to obtain desired results. The Company will comply with the Executive Order 11246 and rules and regulations of the Secretary of Labor. All reports and information required by Executive Order 11246 and the Secretary of Labor will be furnished and access to our books and records for the purpose of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations and orders will be provided. It is further understood our contracts may be canceled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part or other actions taken under Executive Order 11246, or Secretary of Labor's orders, should these contracts be found in non-compliance with the Executive Order 11246 or other orders. Subcontractors will be subject to all rules, regulations of the Secretary of Labor and Executive Order 11246. To assure subcontractor compliance, our subcontractor contract agreements contain a "Non-Discrimination" Clause that requires subcontractors to comply with the provisions of Executive Orders No.'s 11246 and 11375. The Company will also comply with all rules and regulations of the Civil Rights Act of 1991.      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Following your signed acknowledgement of certain policies at the onset of employment, it is your responsibility to stay informed and adhere to all policies and updates. New and revised policies are posted on the Company Intranet in the Document Center. Paper copies of the policies will not be distributed. In order to retain flexibility in the administration of policies and procedures, Alberici companies reserve the right to change, revise or eliminate any of the policies. This notice is not an employment contract and is not intended to create contractual obligations of any kind. Neither you nor any Alberici company is bound to continue the employment relationship if either chooses, at its will, to end the relationship at any time. 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This notice is not an employment contract and is not intended to create contractual obligations of any kind. Neither you nor any Alberici company is bound to continue the employment relationship if either chooses, at its will, to end the relationship at any time. By clicking OK, you acknowledge that you have read and understand this disclaimer.'&]X & .$,'*oH@Attribute VB_Name = "ThisDocument" Bas1Normal.VGlobal!SpaclFalse CreatablPre declaIdTru BExposeTemplateDeriv$CustomlizC1P Sub _Open() Dim msgTxt As Sng Policy Disaimer" & vbCr"You o requ"is toad, unders tand coey with all p.ies a termndition of you$r oy. FollowinBg signEacknowled ge AcertainHt the onsetG, it is!Crespib`ility3@0yp infA3dphere1upd@]s. 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